10. Displacement calculator

This app calculates the displacement, S, given u, v, and t.


10.1. Get started

  1. Go to: https://anvil.works/new-build

  2. Click: Blank App.

  3. Choose: Material Design

10.2. Design

Use the diagram: Speed_time_graph
Use a spacer to the right of the dropdown so it is spaced from the right edge.
Display the formula: S = ½(v + u)t
Use a capital S for displacement.

10.2.1. Key components

Name the input textboxes: u, v and t.
Set each of the input textbox property type settings to number.

10.2.2. Decimal Places Dropdown

Name the dropdown: decimal_places.
Set the dropdown items using: self.decimal_places.items = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
The dropdown items list needs to be of strings. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] can’t be used.
Set the initial decimal_places to ‘2’ using: self.decimal_places.selected_value = '2'
Create an instance variable, self.dp, the number of decimal places to use for formating the output.
The int function is needed to turn the string into an integer.
class Form1(Form1Template):

def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
    self.decimal_places.items = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']   #requires list of strings
    self.decimal_places.selected_value = '2'
    self.dp = int(self.decimal_places.selected_value)
In the properties panel: Events section, click on the blue icon to the right of the change label.
This will add a default script, decimal_places_change, to the code.
Add the code below to update self.dp when the dropdown is used.
def decimal_places_change(self, **event_args):
    self.dp = int(self.decimal_places.selected_value)

10.2.3. Error field

Drag and drop a label component to just above the Calculate button.
In the properties panel: name section, set the name to error.
In the properties panel: text section, set the font_size to 16.
In the properties panel: appearance section, set the foreground_color to #ff0000.
In the properties panel: icon section, set the icon to fa:exclamation-triangle.
Code to hide or show error field takes the error parameter.
An error will be shown if error is a text string.
Passing None as the error parameter hides and clears the error field.
def do_error(self, error):
    # check for error and display it if present
    if error:
        self.error.text = error
        self.error.visible = True
        # hide error and clear it
        self.error.text = ""
        self.error.visible = False

10.3. Calculation

A try-except block is used to make sure an error output is given when the inputs are not valid.
Any time values of 0 or less are then detected: self.t.text < 0:.
Negative values for u and v are possible, as well as a negative final value for S.
A negative S is equivalent to more area below the X axis then above it.
f-stings allow convenient formatting to 2 decimal places.
e.g. self.S.text = f'{val:.2f}'
Instead of using a fixed number, as in .2f, the dropdown value, self.dp, can be used.
i.e. self.S.text = f'{S:.{self.dp}f}'
def calculate_click(self, **event_args):
        S = 0.5 * (self.u.text + self.v.text) * self.t.text
    except TypeError as error:
        self.S.text = None
        self.do_error('TypeError: enter numbers for u, v and t')
        if self.t.text < 0:
            self.S.text = None
            self.do_error('TimeError: use t > 0')
            self.S.text = f'{S:.{self.dp}f}'

10.4. Final Code

The full code is below.
from ._anvil_designer import Form1Template
from anvil import *
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables

class Form1(Form1Template):

    def __init__(self, **properties):
        # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
        self.decimal_places.items = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']   #requires list of strings
        self.decimal_places.selected_value = '2'
        self.dp = int(self.decimal_places.selected_value)
        # hide error field
        self.error.visible = False

    def decimal_places_change(self, **event_args):
        self.dp = int(self.decimal_places.selected_value)

    def calculate_click(self, **event_args):
            S = 0.5 * (self.u.text + self.v.text) * self.t.text
        except TypeError as error:
            self.S.text = None
            self.do_error('TypeError: enter numbers for u, v and t')
            if self.t.text < 0:
                self.S.text = None
                self.do_error('TimeError: use t > 0')
                self.S.text = f'{S:.{self.dp}f}'

    def do_error(self, error):
        # check for error and display it if present
        if error:
            self.error.text = error
            self.error.visible = True
            # hide error and clear it
            self.error.text = ""
            self.error.visible = False


  1. Write an app to calculate the acceleration given initial velocity, final velocity, and time.