2. Superheroes

The details below are for a simple superhero name generator using initials as input.

2.1. Superhero Name Generator: simple version

Making a new project in pyscript starts with 3 files.

The index.html file is served to your browser. It has the interface elements and links to python code.
The main.py is for python code that defines how your application works.
The pyscript.toml file is used to configure the project. e.g specifying python modules via packages = ["numpy"]

2.2. pyscript.toml

This file will be empty, since there are no needed modules in this simple version.

2.3. index.html

The body tag has the user interface for the web app.
<div class="form-group"> is an HTML element that is used to group related form elements together. It is used here to the labels and input fields together.
<p id="superhero"></p> has no text between the tags. It will be filled via python code when the button is clicked.
<script type="py" src="./main.py"></script> links to the main.py file. main could be renamed to suit.
<!-- GMC Nov 2023; no css; no custom js-->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pyscript.net/releases/2023.11.1/pyscript.css" />
    <script type="module" src="https://pyscript.net/releases/2023.11.1/core.js"></script>
    <h1>Superhero Name Generator</h1>
    <p>Enter initials.</p>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="firstinitial">First name initial:</label>
        <input type="text" id="firstinitial" name="firstinitial"">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="lastinitial">Last name initial:</label>
        <input type="text" id="lastinitial" name="lastinitial">
    <button py-click="namegenerator">Generate Superhero</button><br>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="superhero">Superhero name:</label>
        <p id="superhero"></p>
    <script type="py" src="./main.py" config="./pyscript.toml"></script>

2.4. main.py

The code is a program that generates and displays a superhero name based on the user input. It uses two dictionaries to store the possible first and last names for superheroes, and a function that returns a superhero name based on the first and last initials. It also uses another function that handles the user input and displays the superhero name or an error message if the input is not valid. The code uses the pyscript module to interact with the HTML elements of the web page.
from pyscript import document, display

# Define two dictionaries to store the possible first and last names for superheroes
first_names = {
    "A": "Atomic", "B": "Blazing", "C": "Cosmic",
    "D": "Daring", "E": "Electric", "F": "Furious",
    "G": "Galactic", "H": "Hyper", "I": "Invincible",
    "J": "Justice", "K": "Kinetic", "L": "Legendary",
    "M": "Mighty", "N": "Noble", "O": "Omega",
    "P": "Polaris", "Q": "Quantum", "R": "Radiant",
    "S": "Stealth", "T": "Titan", "U": "Unstoppable",
    "V": "Vigilant", "W": "Warrior", "X": "Xeno",
    "Y": "Yieldless", "Z": "Zephyr",

last_names = {
    "A": "Avenger", "B": "Blade", "C": "Crusader",
    "D": "Defender", "E": "Eagle", "F": "Falcon",
    "G": "Guardian", "H": "Hawk", "I": "Inferno",
    "J": "Jaguar", "K": "Knight", "L": "Lion",
    "M": "Marvel", "N": "Ninja", "O": "Oracle",
    "P": "Phantom", "Q": "Quicksilver", "R": "Ranger",
    "S": "Specter", "T": "Thunder", "U": "Ultra",
    "V": "Viper", "W": "Wolf", "X": "Xiphos",
    "Y": "Youngstorm", "Z": "Zoom",

# Define a function that takes two initials as parameters and returns a superhero name
def get_superhero(first_initial, last_initial):
    """Returns a superhero name based on the first and last initials.

        first_initial (str): The first initial of the superhero name.
        last_initial (str): The last initial of the superhero name.

        str: The superhero name composed of the first and last names corresponding to the initials.
    superhero_name = first_names[first_initial] + " " + last_names[last_initial]
    return superhero_name

# Define a function that handles the user input and displays the superhero name
def namegenerator(event):
    """Generates and displays a superhero name based on the user input.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered the function.

    # Get the input elements for the first and last initials
    firstinitial_element = document.querySelector("#firstinitial")
    lastinitial_element = document.querySelector("#lastinitial")
    # Add validation for letters A to Z; random if empty
    validAZ = True
    first_initial = firstinitial_element.value.upper()
    last_initial = lastinitial_element.value.upper()
    # Check if the inputs are alphabetic characters
    if not first_initial.isalpha():
        validAZ = False
    if not last_initial.isalpha():
        validAZ = False
    # If the inputs are valid, generate and display the superhero name
    if validAZ:
        display(get_superhero(first_initial, last_initial), target="#superhero", append=False)
    # Otherwise, display an error message
        display("Enter initials.", target="#superhero", append=False)

2.5. Notes on getting and setting input and output elements

In general, you should use .value to get or set the value of an input element, and .innerText to get or set the text content of other types of elements.
.value is used to get or set the value of an input element, such as a text input or a select element. For example, if you have an input element with an id of myInput, you can get its value using document.getElementById(‘myInput’).value.
.innerText is used to get or set the text content of an element, such as a <div> or a <p> element. For example, if you have a <div> element with an id of myDiv, you can get its text content using document.getElementById(‘myDiv’).innerText.
Pyscript recommends using the display function to output to the browser window.
display(*values, target=None, append=True)

*values (list) - the list of objects to be displayed. Can be any of the following MIME types:: “text/plain”, “text/html”, “image/png”, “image/jpeg”, “image/svg+xml”, “application/json” or “application/javascript”

target (str)- the ID of the html tag to output to. If none, output to the current <py-script> tag.

append (boolean) if the output is going to be appended or not to the `target`ed element. It creates a <div> tag if True and a <py-script> tag with a random ID if False

2.6. Javascript improvements

The appearance can be improved via custom css.
The user interactions with the interface can be improved.

Add a custom css file. Here it is named main.css.


2.7. Improved index.html

Custom css has been added: <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<body onload="setFocus()"> and its inline script were added to cause the insertion to be in hte first input ready for typing so that clicking there by the user is not needed.
In the input type="text" tag, py-input="check_firstinitial" was added to restrict input to capital letters.
tabindex="1" and tabindex="2" were added to elements to control the navigation order via the tab key.
<button py-click="random_firstinitial">Random</button> provides quick placement of a random letter.
<button class="clear-button" py-click="clear_firstinitial">Clear</button> provides convenient clearing of the input.
<!-- GMC Nov 2023; css, js, 2023.11.1/core.js -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pyscript.net/releases/2023.11.1/pyscript.css" />
    <!-- CSS only -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="superhero.css">
    <!-- script only -->
    <script type="module" src="https://pyscript.net/releases/2023.11.1/core.js"></script>

    <h1>Superhero Name Generator</h1>
    <p>Enter capital letters.</p>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="firstinitial">First name initial:</label>
        <input type="text" id="firstinitial" name="firstinitial" title="Enter first initial"
            py-input="check_firstinitial" autocomplete="off" tabindex="1">
        <button py-click="random_firstinitial">Random</button>
        <button class="clear-button" py-click="clear_firstinitial">Clear</button>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="lastinitial">Last name initial:</label>
        <input type="text" id="lastinitial" name="lastinitial" title="Enter last initial"
            py-input="check_lastinitial" autocomplete="off" tabindex="2">
        <button py-click="random_lastinitial">Random</button>
        <button class="clear-button" py-click="clear_lastinitial">Clear</button>
    <button py-click="name_generator">Name Superhero</button>
    <button py-click="random_name">Random Superhero</button><br>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="superhero">Superhero name:</label> <p id="superhero"></p>
    <script type="py" src="./main.py" config="./pyscript.toml"></script>

2.8. Custom css:

body {
    font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
    padding: 20px;
    background-color: #f8f9fa; /* Bootstrap gray-100 */

h1, h2 {
    color: #212529; /* Bootstrap gray-900 */

p {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    color: #6c757d; /* Bootstrap gray-600 */

.inline {
    display: inline;

.form-group {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
.form-group label {
    width: 150px; /* adjust as needed */

#superhero {
    min-width: 170px; /* Increase the width */
    height: 24px; /* Increase the height */
    margin-right: 10px;
    padding: 10px 20px; /* Adjust padding as needed */
    border: 1px solid #ced4da; /* Bootstrap gray-400 */
    border-radius: .25rem;
    font-size: 18px; /* Increase the font size */
    background-color: white;
    color: #0d6efd; /* Bootstrap primary */

input[type="text"] {
    max-width: 30px; /* Increase the width */
    height: 24px; /* Increase the height */
    margin-right: 10px;
    padding: 10px 20px; /* Adjust padding as needed */
    border: 1px solid #ced4da; /* Bootstrap gray-400 */
    border-radius: .25rem;
    font-size: 18px; /* Increase the font size */

/* Move the ::selection pseudo-element outside the input[type="text"] selector */
input[type="text"]::selection, ::selection {
    background-color: #ffff99; /* Light yellow */
    color: #000000; /* Black */

button {
    background-color: #0d6efd; /* Bootstrap primary */
    border: none;
    color: white;
    padding: 10px 20px; /* Adjust padding as needed */
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 24px; /* Adjust font size as needed */
    margin: .375rem .375rem;
    cursor: pointer;
    border-radius: .25rem;
    transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out;

button:hover {
    background-color: #0a58ca; /* Bootstrap primary-dark */

.clear-button {
    background-color: #dc3545; /* Bootstrap danger */
    color: white;

.clear-button:hover {
    background-color: #b02a37; /* Bootstrap danger-dark */

2.9. Improved main.py

The python code has new code for random letters and input clearing.
# import the document and display modules from pyscript
from pyscript import document
from pyscript import display
# import the random module to generate random values
import random
# import the string module to access string constants
import string

# define a dictionary of possible first names for superheroes based on their initials
first_names = {
    "A": "Atomic", "B": "Blazing", "C": "Cosmic",
    "D": "Daring", "E": "Electric", "F": "Furious",
    "G": "Galactic", "H": "Hyper", "I": "Invincible",
    "J": "Justice", "K": "Kinetic", "L": "Legendary",
    "M": "Mighty", "N": "Noble", "O": "Omega",
    "P": "Polaris", "Q": "Quantum", "R": "Radiant",
    "S": "Stealth", "T": "Titan", "U": "Unstoppable",
    "V": "Vigilant", "W": "Warrior", "X": "Xeno",
    "Y": "Yieldless", "Z": "Zephyr",

# define a dictionary of possible last names for superheroes based on their initials
last_names = {
    "A": "Avenger", "B": "Blade", "C": "Crusader",
    "D": "Defender", "E": "Eagle", "F": "Falcon",
    "G": "Guardian", "H": "Hawk", "I": "Inferno",
    "J": "Jaguar", "K": "Knight", "L": "Lion",
    "M": "Marvel", "N": "Ninja", "O": "Oracle",
    "P": "Phantom", "Q": "Quicksilver", "R": "Ranger",
    "S": "Specter", "T": "Thunder", "U": "Ultra",
    "V": "Viper", "W": "Wolf", "X": "Xiphos",
    "Y": "Youngstorm", "Z": "Zoom",

def get_superhero(first_initial, last_initial):
    """Returns a superhero name based on the given initials.

        first_initial (str): The first initial of the superhero name.
        last_initial (str): The last initial of the superhero name.

        str: The superhero name composed of the first and last names from the dictionaries.
    # concatenate the first and last names from the dictionaries based on the initials
    superhero_name = first_names[first_initial] + " " + last_names[last_initial]
    return superhero_name

def ranAZ():
    """Returns a random uppercase letter from A to Z.

        str: A random uppercase letter from A to Z.
    # use the random module to choose a random letter from the string constant of uppercase letters
    return random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase)

def random_firstinitial(event):
    """Generates and displays a random first initial for the superhero name.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # get a random first initial by calling the ranAZ function
    first_initial = ranAZ()
    # set the value of the input element with id "firstinitial" to the random first initial
    # set the focus back to the input element with id "firstinitial"

def check_firstinitial(event):
    """Checks first initial, convert to uppercase and only keep first character if A to Z

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # select the input element with id "firstinitial"
    firstinitial_element = document.querySelector("#firstinitial")
    # check if the value of the input element is not empty
    if firstinitial_element.value:
        # get the first character of the value and convert it to uppercase
        first_initial = firstinitial_element.value.upper()[0]
        # check if the first character is a letter
        if first_initial.isalpha():
            # set the value of the input element to the first character
            # clear the value of the input element
    # set the focus back to the input element with id "firstinitial"

def clear_firstinitial(event):
    """Clears and displays an empty first initial for the superhero name.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # clear the value of the input element with id "firstinitial"
    # set the focus back to the input element with id "firstinitial"

def random_lastinitial(event):
    """Generates and displays a random last initial for the superhero name.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # get a random last initial by calling the ranAZ function
    last_initial = ranAZ()
    # set the value of the input element with id "lastinitial" to the random last initial
    # set the focus back to the input element with id "lastinitial"

def check_lastinitial(event):
    """Checks last initial, convert to uppercase and only keep first character if A to Z

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # display random initials
    lastinitial_element = document.querySelector("#lastinitial")
    # select the element with id "lastinitial"
    # Check if the value is not empty
    if lastinitial_element.value:
        last_initial = lastinitial_element.value.upper()[0]
        # get the value of the last initial and convert it to uppercase
        if last_initial.isalpha():
            # check if the last initial is a letter
    # rest focus back to last initial

def clear_lastinitial(event):
    """Clears and displays an empty last initial for the superhero name.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # get empty lastinitial
    # rest focus back to last initial

def name_generator(event):
    """Generates and displays a superhero name based on the user input initials.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    firstinitial_element = document.querySelector("#firstinitial") # select the element with id "firstinitial"
    lastinitial_element = document.querySelector("#lastinitial") # select the element with id "lastinitial"
    # add validation for letters A to Z (or a to z)
    validAZ = True # a flag to indicate if the input initials are valid
    first_initial = firstinitial_element.value.upper() # get the value of the first initial and convert it to uppercase
    last_initial = lastinitial_element.value.upper() # get the value of the last initial and convert it to uppercase
    if not first_initial.isalpha(): # check if the first initial is not a letter
        validAZ = False # set the flag to False
    if not last_initial.isalpha(): # check if the last initial is not a letter
        validAZ = False # set the flag to False
    # output_div_text = document.querySelector("#superhero") # select the element with id "superhero"
    if validAZ: # if the input initials are valid
        display(get_superhero(first_initial, last_initial), target="#superhero", append=False)
        # output_div_text.innerText = get_superhero(first_initial, last_initial) # assign the text of the element to the superhero name generated by the function
    else: # if the input initials are not valid
        display("Enter initials.", target="#superhero", append=False)
        # output_div_text.innerText = "Enter initials." # assign the text of the element to a message asking the user to enter initials
    # rest focus back to first initial

def random_name(event):
    """Generates and displays a random superhero name.

        event (Event): The event object that triggered this function.
    # get random inititals
    first_initial = ranAZ()
    last_initial = ranAZ()
    # display random initials
    # place random name
    display(get_superhero(first_initial, last_initial), target="#superhero", append=False)
    # rest focus back to first initial

def set_lastinitial_input_text(value):
    # display(value, target="#lastinitial", append=False)
    # select the element with id "lastinitial"
    element = document.querySelector("#lastinitial")
    element.value = value

def set_firstinitial_input_text(value):
    # display(value, target="#firstinitial", append=False)
    # select the element with id "lastinitial"
    element = document.querySelector("#firstinitial")
    element.value = value

def set_focus():

def set_firstinitial_focus():
    # select the element with id "firstinitial"
    firstinitial_element = document.querySelector("#firstinitial")
    # focus on the first initial element
    # select the text in the first initial element

def set_lastinitial_focus():
    # select the element with id "lastinitial"
    lastinitial_element = document.querySelector("#lastinitial")
    # focus on the element
    # select the text in the element

def main():
    # code to run when the page is loaded
