1. Feedback Form

This builds a feedback form that uses full stack: client side and server side code in python.
The references add an email capability but email has account quotas, so it will not be included below.

1.1. References

  1. Youtube guide to create the app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZThmkIwys

  2. Official Anvil guide with screenshots and animated gifs: https://anvil.works/learn/tutorials/feedback-form

1.2. Get started

  1. Go to: https://anvil.works/new-build

  2. Click: Blank App.

  3. Choose: Material Design

1.3. Settings

  1. Click on the cog icon to show thie settings tab.

  2. Enter an App name. Feedback_Form

  3. Enter an App title. Feedback_Form

  4. Enter an App description. Feedback_Form using server side code and a PGSQL database.

  5. Get a feedback icon to upload such as: https://pics.freeicons.io/uploads/icons/png/121888721582994865-512.png

  6. Click Change Image to upload an App logo.

  7. Close the settings tab.

1.4. Build first part of interface

Build the following interface by dragging and dropping components and setting their properties.
Drag and drop the card component from the right toolbox onto Form1.
Drag and drop the label component onto card_1.
In the properties panel: text section, set the text to Feedback Form.
In the properties panel: appearance section, set the role to Headline.
Drag and drop three label components onto card_1 below the Feedback Form label, one below the other.
A horizontal blue line will indicate that you are in the right place to drop it.
In the properties panel: set their text to Name:, Email: and Feedback:.
Drag and drop a text box component onto card_1 to the right of the Name label.
In the properties panel: set the name to name_box.
In the properties panel: set the placeholder to Name here.
Drag and drop a text box component onto card_1 to the right of the Email label.
In the properties panel: set the name to email_box.
In the properties panel: set the placeholder to Email here.
Drag and drop a text area component onto card_1 below the Feedback label.
In the properties panel: set the name to feedback_box.
In the properties panel: set the placeholder to Feedback here.
Drag and drop a button component onto card_1 below the Feedback text area.
In the properties panel: set the text to Submit.
In the properties panel: set the name to submit_button.
In the properties panel: set the role to primary-colour.

1.5. Build Data Table

In the left sidebar, click on the data icon.
Under default database, click Add Table.
On the top right, name the table feeedback.
The permissions are set to allow search and edit by server modules.
Click on the + New Column button.
Choose Add Text Column.
Change the column name from Column0 to name.
Click on the + button.
Choose Add Text Column.
Change the column name from Column1 to email.
Click on the + button.
Choose Add Text Column.
Change the column name from Column2 to feedback.
Click on the + button.
Choose Add date and Time Column.
Change the column name from Column3 to created_on.

1.6. Build the Server Code

In the left sidebar, click on the top app icon.
Under Server Code, click Add Server Module.
Enter the code to add a data table row.
Import the datetime module so the created_on value can be gotten.
@anvil.server.callable is a decorator. Placing it before the following definition modifes it so it is callable from the client form.
add_feedback will pass in name, email, and feedback values from the form to add them to the data table.
datetime.now() will get the date and time. e.g. 2022-04-01 20:30:11.532646
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
import anvil.server

from datetime import datetime

def add_feedback(name, email, feedback):

1.7. Build the Submit Code

Click on the Form1 tab.
Double click the Submit button. This adds default code for it.
The text from each feedback field needs to be stored in a variable.
The text property is used to get the text. e.g name = self.name_box.text
def submit_button_click(self, **event_args):
    name = self.name_box.text
    email = self.email_box.text
    feedback = self.feedback_box.text
Now use anvil.server.call to call add_feedback in the server module, passing the 3 variables, name, email, feedback, to be added to the table.
i.e, anvil.server.call('add_feedback', name, email, feedback)
A notification can be added is desired: Notification("Feedback submitted.").show()
def submit_button_click(self, **event_args):
    name = self.name_box.text
    email = self.email_box.text
    feedback = self.feedback_box.text

    anvil.server.call('add_feedback', name, email, feedback)
    Notification("Feedback submitted.").show()
The feedback form then needs clearing.
Create a separate method: clear_inputs(self, **event_args)
Set the text property of each field to the empty string.
e.g. self.name_box.text = ""
def submit_button_click(self, **event_args):
    name = self.name_box.text
    email = self.email_box.text
    feedback = self.feedback_box.text

    anvil.server.call('add_feedback', name, email, feedback)
    Notification("Feedback submitted.").show()

def clear_inputs(self, **event_args):
    self.name_box.text = ""
    self.email_box.text = ""
    self.feedback_box.text = ""

1.8. Form Code

The complete form code is below.
from ._anvil_designer import Form1Template
from anvil import *
import anvil.server
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables

class Form1(Form1Template):

def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

def submit_button_click(self, **event_args):
    name = self.name_box.text
    email = self.email_box.text
    feedback = self.feedback_box.text

    anvil.server.call('add_feedback', name, email, feedback)
    Notification("Feedback submitted.").show()

def clear_inputs(self, **event_args):
    self.name_box.text = ""
    self.email_box.text = ""
    self.feedback_box.text = ""