3. Insult generator

This app generates a random insult.

A useful tool for formatting long lists is at: https://www.xhcode.com/pythonformat/

3.1. Design

Use a Column panel.
Use a label field, 2 buttons and a textbox.

3.2. Get started

  1. Go to: https://anvil.works/new-build

  2. Click: Blank App.

  3. Choose: Material Design

3.3. Settings

  1. Click on the cog icon to show the settings tab.

  2. Enter an App name. Insult generator

  3. Enter an App title. Insult generator

  4. Enter an App description. This app generates a random insult.

  5. Close the settings tab.

3.4. Build interface

3.4.1. Title

Drag and drop a label component onto the Drop title here container.
In the properties panel: name section, set the name to title.
In the properties panel: text section, set the text to Random Insults.

3.4.2. Column panel

Drag and drop a column panel component onto the form.

3.4.3. Instructions

Drag and drop a label component onto the column panel.
In the properties panel: name section, set the name to instructions.
In the properties panel: text section, set the text to text below.
Choose an insult style.

3.4.4. Buttons

Drag and drop a Button component onto the column panel.
In the properties panel: name section, set the name to get_old_insult.
In the properties panel: text section, set the text to Shakespearean Insult.
In the properties panel: text section, set the font_size to 28.
In the properties panel: appearance section, set the role to secondary-color.
In the properties panel: Events section, click on the blue icon to the right of the click label.
This will add a default script, get_old_insult_click, to the code. This will be coded later to generate the output.
Drag and drop a Button component onto the column panel.
In the properties panel: name section, set the name to get_insult.
In the properties panel: text section, set the text to Modern Insult.
In the properties panel: text section, set the font_size to 28.
In the properties panel: appearance section, set the role to primary-color.
In the properties panel: Events section, click on the blue icon to the right of the click label.
This will add a default script, get_insult_click, to the code. This will be coded later to generate the output.

3.4.5. Output

Drag and drop a TextBox component onto the column panel to the right of the label.
Click and drag the divider between the label and textbox to resize them.
In the properties panel: name section, set the name to output.
In the properties panel: text section, set the font_size to 24.

3.5. Initial Code & Event Code

The event, get_old_insult_click, calls the make_old_insult function.
The event, get_insult_click, calls the make_insult function.
from ._anvil_designer import Form1Template
from anvil import *
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
from random import choice

class Form1(Form1Template):

    def __init__(self, **properties):
        # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    def get_old_insult_click(self, **event_args):

    def get_insult_click(self, **event_args):

3.6. Insult maker

make_old_insult places a random Shakespearean insult in the output textbox.
choice(insult1) picks a random element from the list, insult1.
def make_old_insult(self):
    insult1 = ['artless', 'bawdy', 'beslubbering', 'bootless',
        'burly-boned', 'caluminous', 'churlish', 'clouted',
        'cockered', 'craven', 'cullionly', 'currish', 'dankish',
        'dissembling', 'droning', 'errant', 'fawning', 'fishified',
        'fobbing', 'frothy', 'froward', 'fusty', 'gleeking',
        'goatish', 'gorbellied', 'impertinent', 'infectious',
        'jarring', 'loggerheaded', 'lumpish', 'mammering', 'mangled',
        'mewling', 'misbegotten', 'odiferous', 'paunchy', 'poisonous',
        'pribbling', 'puking', 'puny', 'qualling', 'rank', 'reeky',
        'roguish', 'ruttish', 'saucy', 'spleeny', 'spongy', 'surly',
        'tottering', 'unmuzzled', 'vain', 'venomed', 'villainous',
        'warped', 'Wart-necked', 'wayward', 'weedy', 'wimpled',
    insult2 = ['base-court', 'bat-fowling', 'beef-witted',
        'beetle-headed', 'boil-brained', 'brazen-faced',
        "bunch-back'd", 'clapper-clawed', 'clay-brained',
        'common-kissing', 'crook-pated', 'dismal-dreaming',
        'dizzy-eyed', 'doghearted', 'dread-bolted', 'earth-vexing',
        'elf-skinned', 'fat-kidneyed', 'fen-sucked', 'flap-mouthed',
        'fly-bitten', 'folly-fallen', 'fool-born', 'full-gorged',
        'guts-griping', 'half-faced', 'hasty-witted', 'hedge-born',
        'hell-hated', 'idle-headed', 'ill-breeding', 'ill-nurtured',
        'knotty-pated', 'leaden-footed', 'lily-livered',
        'malmsey-nosed', 'milk-livered', 'motley-minded',
        'muddy-mettled', 'onion-eyed', "pigeon-liver'd",
        'plume-plucked', 'pottle-deep', 'pox-marked', 'rampallian',
        'reeling-ripe', 'rough-hewn', 'rude-growing', 'rump-fed',
        'scale-sided', 'scurvy-valiant', 'shard-borne',
        'sheep-biting', 'spur-galled', 'swag-bellied', 'tardy-gaited',
        'tickle-brained', 'toad-spotted', 'unchin-snouted',
        "unwash'd", 'weather-bitten', 'whoreson'
    insult3 = ['apple-john', 'baggage', 'barnacle', 'Basket-Cockle',
        'bladder', 'blind-worm', 'boar-pig', 'bugbear', 'bum-bailey',
        'canker-blossom', 'clack-dish', 'clotpole', 'codpiece',
        'coxcomb', 'death-token', 'devil-monk', 'dewberry',
        'flap-dragon', 'flax-wench', 'flirt-gill', 'foot-licker',
        'fustilarian', 'giglet', 'gudgeon', 'haggard', 'harpy',
        'hedge-pig', 'horn-beast', 'hugger-mugger', 'joithead',
        'jolt-head', 'knave', 'lewdster', 'lout', 'maggot-pie',
        'malcontent', 'malt-worm', 'mammet', 'measle', 'minnow',
        'miscreant', 'moldwarp', 'mumble-news', 'nut-hook',
        'pigeon-egg', 'pignut', 'popinjay', 'pumpion', 'puttock',
        'rascal', 'ratsbane', 'scullian', 'scut', 'skainsmate',
        'strumpet', 'toad', 'varlot', 'vassal', 'wagtail',
    self.output.text = ("Thou art a " + choice(insult1) + " " +
        choice(insult2) + " " + choice(insult3) + ".")
make_insult places a random insult in the output textbox.
choice(insult1) picks a random element from the list, insult1.
def make_insult(self):
    insult1 = ['animalistic', 'appalling', 'awful', 'bad-looking',
        'beastly', 'deformed', 'disfigured', 'foul', 'frightful',
        'grisly', 'gross', 'grotesque', 'hard-featured', 'hideous',
        'horrid', 'ill-favored', 'loathsome', 'misshapen',
        'monstrous', 'not much to look at', 'repelling', 'repugnant',
        'repulsive', 'revolting', 'unbeautiful', 'uncomely',
        'uninviting', 'unlovely', 'unsightly',
    insult2 = ['abrupt', 'abusive', 'bad-mannered', 'barbaric',
        'barbarous', 'blunt', 'boorish', 'brusque', 'brutish',
        'cheeky', 'churlish', 'coarse', 'crabbed', 'crude', 'curt',
        'discourteous', 'graceless', 'gross', 'gruff', 'ignorant',
        'illiterate', 'impertinent', 'impolite', 'impudent',
        'inconsiderate', 'insolent', 'insulting', 'intrusive',
        'loutish', 'obscene', 'raw', 'savage', 'scurrilous', 'surly',
        'uncivil', 'uncivilized', 'uncouth', 'uncultured',
        'uneducated', 'ungracious', 'unmannerly', 'unpolished',
        'unrefined', 'vulgar', 'wild',
    insult3 = ['bad guy', 'bad person', 'baddie', 'baddy',
        'black marketeer', 'blackmailer', 'blockhead', 'bonehead',
        'clodpoll', 'con', 'convict', 'cretin', 'crook', 'culprit',
        'delinquent', 'desperado', 'deuce', 'dimwit', 'dork',
        'dumbbell', 'dunce', 'evildoer', 'ex-con', 'felon', 'fool',
        'fugitive', 'gangster', 'guerilla', 'hood', 'hoodlum',
        'hooligan', 'hustler', 'ignoramus', 'imbecile',
        'inside person', 'jailbird', 'jerk', 'lawbreaker',
        'malefactor', 'mobster', 'moron', 'mug', 'muttonhead',
        'nincompoop', 'ninny', 'nitwit', 'offender', 'outlaw',
        'pinhead', 'racketeer', 'simpleton', 'sinner', 'slippery eel',
        'thug', 'tomfool', 'twit', 'wrongdoer', 'yardbird',
    self.output.text = ("You are a " + choice(insult1) + " " +
        choice(insult2) + " " + choice(insult3)+ ".")

3.7. Final Code

The full code is below.
from ._anvil_designer import Form1Template
from anvil import *
import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
from random import choice

class Form1(Form1Template):

    def __init__(self, **properties):
        # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    def get_old_insult_click(self, **event_args):

    def get_insult_click(self, **event_args):

    def make_old_insult(self):
        insult1 = ['artless', 'bawdy', 'beslubbering', 'bootless',
            'burly-boned', 'caluminous', 'churlish', 'clouted',
            'cockered', 'craven', 'cullionly', 'currish', 'dankish',
            'dissembling', 'droning', 'errant', 'fawning', 'fishified',
            'fobbing', 'frothy', 'froward', 'fusty', 'gleeking',
            'goatish', 'gorbellied', 'impertinent', 'infectious',
            'jarring', 'loggerheaded', 'lumpish', 'mammering', 'mangled',
            'mewling', 'misbegotten', 'odiferous', 'paunchy', 'poisonous',
            'pribbling', 'puking', 'puny', 'qualling', 'rank', 'reeky',
            'roguish', 'ruttish', 'saucy', 'spleeny', 'spongy', 'surly',
            'tottering', 'unmuzzled', 'vain', 'venomed', 'villainous',
            'warped', 'Wart-necked', 'wayward', 'weedy', 'wimpled',
        insult2 = ['base-court', 'bat-fowling', 'beef-witted',
            'beetle-headed', 'boil-brained', 'brazen-faced',
            "bunch-back'd", 'clapper-clawed', 'clay-brained',
            'common-kissing', 'crook-pated', 'dismal-dreaming',
            'dizzy-eyed', 'doghearted', 'dread-bolted', 'earth-vexing',
            'elf-skinned', 'fat-kidneyed', 'fen-sucked', 'flap-mouthed',
            'fly-bitten', 'folly-fallen', 'fool-born', 'full-gorged',
            'guts-griping', 'half-faced', 'hasty-witted', 'hedge-born',
            'hell-hated', 'idle-headed', 'ill-breeding', 'ill-nurtured',
            'knotty-pated', 'leaden-footed', 'lily-livered',
            'malmsey-nosed', 'milk-livered', 'motley-minded',
            'muddy-mettled', 'onion-eyed', "pigeon-liver'd",
            'plume-plucked', 'pottle-deep', 'pox-marked', 'rampallian',
            'reeling-ripe', 'rough-hewn', 'rude-growing', 'rump-fed',
            'scale-sided', 'scurvy-valiant', 'shard-borne',
            'sheep-biting', 'spur-galled', 'swag-bellied', 'tardy-gaited',
            'tickle-brained', 'toad-spotted', 'unchin-snouted',
            "unwash'd", 'weather-bitten', 'whoreson'
        insult3 = ['apple-john', 'baggage', 'barnacle', 'Basket-Cockle',
            'bladder', 'blind-worm', 'boar-pig', 'bugbear', 'bum-bailey',
            'canker-blossom', 'clack-dish', 'clotpole', 'codpiece',
            'coxcomb', 'death-token', 'devil-monk', 'dewberry',
            'flap-dragon', 'flax-wench', 'flirt-gill', 'foot-licker',
            'fustilarian', 'giglet', 'gudgeon', 'haggard', 'harpy',
            'hedge-pig', 'horn-beast', 'hugger-mugger', 'joithead',
            'jolt-head', 'knave', 'lewdster', 'lout', 'maggot-pie',
            'malcontent', 'malt-worm', 'mammet', 'measle', 'minnow',
            'miscreant', 'moldwarp', 'mumble-news', 'nut-hook',
            'pigeon-egg', 'pignut', 'popinjay', 'pumpion', 'puttock',
            'rascal', 'ratsbane', 'scullian', 'scut', 'skainsmate',
            'strumpet', 'toad', 'varlot', 'vassal', 'wagtail',
        self.output.text = ("Thou art a " + choice(insult1) + " " +
            choice(insult2) + " " + choice(insult3) + ".")

    def make_insult(self):
        insult1 = ['animalistic', 'appalling', 'awful', 'bad-looking',
            'beastly', 'deformed', 'disfigured', 'foul', 'frightful',
            'grisly', 'gross', 'grotesque', 'hard-featured', 'hideous',
            'horrid', 'ill-favored', 'loathsome', 'misshapen',
            'monstrous', 'not much to look at', 'repelling', 'repugnant',
            'repulsive', 'revolting', 'unbeautiful', 'uncomely',
            'uninviting', 'unlovely', 'unsightly',
        insult2 = ['abrupt', 'abusive', 'bad-mannered', 'barbaric',
            'barbarous', 'blunt', 'boorish', 'brusque', 'brutish',
            'cheeky', 'churlish', 'coarse', 'crabbed', 'crude', 'curt',
            'discourteous', 'graceless', 'gross', 'gruff', 'ignorant',
            'illiterate', 'impertinent', 'impolite', 'impudent',
            'inconsiderate', 'insolent', 'insulting', 'intrusive',
            'loutish', 'obscene', 'raw', 'savage', 'scurrilous', 'surly',
            'uncivil', 'uncivilized', 'uncouth', 'uncultured',
            'uneducated', 'ungracious', 'unmannerly', 'unpolished',
            'unrefined', 'vulgar', 'wild',
        insult3 = ['bad guy', 'bad person', 'baddie', 'baddy',
            'black marketeer', 'blackmailer', 'blockhead', 'bonehead',
            'clodpoll', 'con', 'convict', 'cretin', 'crook', 'culprit',
            'delinquent', 'desperado', 'deuce', 'dimwit', 'dork',
            'dumbbell', 'dunce', 'evildoer', 'ex-con', 'felon', 'fool',
            'fugitive', 'gangster', 'guerilla', 'hood', 'hoodlum',
            'hooligan', 'hustler', 'ignoramus', 'imbecile',
            'inside person', 'jailbird', 'jerk', 'lawbreaker',
            'malefactor', 'mobster', 'moron', 'mug', 'muttonhead',
            'nincompoop', 'ninny', 'nitwit', 'offender', 'outlaw',
            'pinhead', 'racketeer', 'simpleton', 'sinner', 'slippery eel',
            'thug', 'tomfool', 'twit', 'wrongdoer', 'yardbird',
        self.output.text = ("You are a " + choice(insult1) + " " +
            choice(insult2) + " " + choice(insult3)+ ".")


  1. Create a random compliment maker. Use the lists below as a starting point.

    term1 = ['affectionate', 'altruistic', 'amiable', 'amicable',
        'beneficent', 'benevolent', 'bounteous', 'charitable',
        'compassionate', 'congenial', 'considerate', 'cordial',
        'courteous', 'friendly', 'gentle', 'good-hearted', 'gracious',
        'humane', 'humanitarian', 'kindhearted', 'kindly', 'loving',
        'neighborly', 'obliging', 'philanthropic', 'softhearted',
        'sympathetic', 'tenderhearted', 'thoughtful', 'tolerant',
    term2 = ['able', 'adept', 'agile', 'alert', 'astute',
        'bold', 'brainy', 'bright', 'brilliant', 'brisk', 'canny',
        'clever', 'consummate', 'cool', 'crafty', 'cultivated',
        'effective', 'eggheaded', 'expert', 'fresh', 'genius',
        'gifted', 'good', 'hip', 'ingenious', 'keen', 'knowing',
        'masterly', 'nimble', 'on the ball', 'polished', 'practiced',
        'proficient', 'quick', 'quick-witted', 'ready', 'resourceful',
        'sassy', 'savvy', 'sharp', 'shrewd', 'skillful', 'slick',
        'talented', 'wise', 'wised up', 'with it'
    term3 = ['academician', 'architect', 'author', 'brain', 'builder',
        'child genius', 'creator', 'designer', 'egghead', 'Einstein',
        'experimenter', 'founder', 'freak', 'genius', 'good egg',
        'good guy', 'good person', 'highbrow', 'innovator',
        'intellect', 'intellectual', 'maker', 'man of his word',
        'man of honor', 'marvel', 'mastermind', 'miracle',
        'moonwalker', 'natural', 'nice guy', 'one in a million',
        'originator', 'phenomenon', 'pioneer', 'polished man',
        'prodigy', 'rarity', 'refined man', 'rocket scientist',
        'sage', 'scholar', 'sensation', 'spectacle', 'star person',
        'stunner', 'talent', 'whiz', 'whiz kid', 'wizard', 'wonder',
        'wonder child', 'wunderkind'